Technical Calculator

Arccos Calculator

Provide required entities (decimal or fraction) and the arccos calculator will instantly compute inverse cosine values for them in radians or degrees.

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What is Arccos?

In trigonometry, the arccosine of \( x \) or arccos is defined because the inverse cosine feature of \( x \) when \( -1≤x≤1 \) The situation is:

  • If the cosine of \( y \) might be same to \( x: cos y = x\).

TThen, the arccosine of x may be identical to the inverse cosine characteristic of x, that is equivalent to \( y: arccos x = cos-1 x = y \). An inverse cosine calculator can take care of complex calculations of trigonometry that involve arccos.

Arccosine formula:

Inverse cosine equation is: $$ arccos(x) = cos-1(x) $$ An arccos calculator is functioned to follow this equation routinely to deliver correct results. You don’t want to enter it manually.

A way to Calculate Arccos?

If the cosine of 60° is 0.5 then what will be the arccos?

  • Given \( cos (60°) = 0.5 \).
  • Follow components for inverse of cosine and placed the values: arccos\( (x) = cos-1(x)\).
  • arccos of \( 0.5  is  60°= cos-1(0.5) = 60°\)

However, using an inverse cosine calculator is the maximum trendy to address this inverse feature of trigonometry.

The usage of Inverse Cosine to find an attitude?

An angel may be calculated through applying a easy formulation manually. however, in case you are looking for a more reliable technique then an inverse cos calculator is the nice to be had choice. The method to calculate angel using inverse cosine is:

$$ Θ = cos-1(adj/hyp) $$

In such trigonometric characteristic, \( theta (Θ) \) will always be the enter, and the output can be the ratio of the perimeters of a triangle. If this ratio is given and you are required to calculate the angle, you should give a attempt to above inverse trig characteristic.

in step with the definition of cosine, the equals the adjoining side divide through hypotenuse:

$$ Cos () = a/c = 30/26= 0.866$$

So the inverse function is  = \( arccos (0.866) = 30 degree or 0.52356 radian \).

but, An online arcsin calculator allows you to determine the arcsin(x) and show the results in radians, stages, and different applicable gadgets.

How Arccos Calculator Works?

This calculator for arccosine offers a user-pleasant and dependable interface that very clean to use for the layman. comply with the easy steps beneath:


  • To locate the inverse of cosine, input “\(x\)” as a real number. It must be inside the domain of arccosine calculator characteristic such that \( -1 ≤ x ≤ 1\).
  • Now input the number of favored decimal places.
  • Hit the calculate button


  • It's going to provide you with solutions. the first one could be an perspective in degrees and the second one might be an angel in radians.
  • Secondly, it's going to display results in different gadgets like gradian, turns, mins and seconds of arc, milliradians, microradian and pi (π) radians.
  • Ultimately, it will give you a detailed calculation.

Moreover, a unit circle calculator permit you to to locate the sine, cosine, and tangent values for an attitude that allows to discern out different coordinates on the unit circle.


What is the arccosine function.

The arc cosine function, or opposite cosine, is the reverse of the cosine procedure. It returns the angle whose cosine is a given value. It is denoted as arccos(x) or cos−1(x).

How does the Arccos Calculator work.

The cosine calculator accepts a value from -1 to 1, determining the related angle in radians or degrees with a cosine correlation.

What are the possible values for the arccosine function.

The arcosine function gives us an angle between 0 degrees to 180 degrees.

What is the range of the arccosine function.

The arcosine function range is from 0 to 180 degrees.

What is the domain of the arccosine function.

The domain of the arcosine function is limited to figures ranging from -1 and up to a upper bound of 1, including the extremities. Every input outside this range is undefined.

What are the applications of the arccosine function.

Arccosine helps figure out the angles in mathematics, science, and building stuff when we know the flat side of the triangle.

How do I enter a value in the Arccos Calculator.

Enter a value within the range of -1 and 1, and the calculator will provide you with the corresponding angle whose cousin is the entered figure.

Can the Arccos Calculator output in degrees and radians.

Often, the calculator allows you to choose if you want angles in radians or degrees.

What is the archosine of 0.

The reverse cousin of zero equals π/2 radians (or 90°), as the cousin of 90° equals zero.

What is the archosine of 1.

The arcosin of 1 is in zero radians (or zero degrees), since the cousin of zero degrees is 1.

What is the arcosin of -1.

The arc cousin of negative one is pi radians (or 180 degrees), as the trigonometric value of 180 degrees is negative one.

Why is the input range limited to -1 and 1.

The trigonometric cosine function produces results strictly between -1 and 1. therefore, the arccosine function admits only values restricted to this interval, ensuring authentic outputs.

If you enter a number greater than 1 or less than -1 in the Arccos Calculator, it will return an error.

If the value is beyond the limits of -1 and 1, the arcosine function lacks practical output, and the calculator shows an error or undefined outcome.

How can I use the arccosine function to find angles in trigonometry.

The arccosine function is a mathematical tool to identify an angle when you are given a cosine value. to determine θ, use the reverse cosine function on 0. 5.

Can the Arccos Calculator handle complex numbers.

The usual arccosine function is defined for real numbers between -1 and 1. For complex numbers, the process to find arccos is more complicated and can produce complex results.

Is SEC the inverse of Cos?

Secant (SEC) is the reciprocal of the cosine. it may be defined because the ratio of the hypotenuse to the aspect adjacent.

what's the inverse of Tan?

The inverse of tan is known as “arctangent”. Arctan is every other name to symbolize it in trigonometry.

Is Arcsin the inverse of Sin?

In trigonometry, the inverse of sine is called the arcsin. it is acknowledged to returns the angle whose sine is a given variety.