Technical Calculator

dBm to Watts Calculator


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what's dBm?

dBm is the acronym for Decibels in step with milliwatt & is a unit of electricity. The depth of the sound and the electric sign power is defined inside the Decibels in keeping with milliwatt(dBm). dBm describes the quantity of power an antenna or an amplifier is able to produce. you can rework the devices among decibels in line with milliwatt (dBm) and watts (W)/milliwatts (mW) with the help of dBm to watts calculator.

The way to Convert dBm to Watts?

Our calculator makes use of the subsequent formulation for dB to watts conversion:

P (W) = 1W ⋅ 10((P(dBm) – 30) / 10)


P (W) =  power in watts

P (dBm) =  power in dBm

Our db to watts converter gauges the dBm from Watt and returned Watt from dBm.

How to Convert dBm to mW?

For dBm to milliwatt conversion, you want to use the formula:

P(mW) = 1mW ⋅ 10(P(dBm) / 10)


P(mW) = power in milliwatts  

P(dBm) = power in dBm

How to Convert Watt to dBm?

For watts to dBm conversion use the formula:

P(dBm) = 10 ⋅ log10( P(W) / 1W) + 30


P(dBm) = power in dBm 

P(W) = power in watts

How to Convert mW to dBm?

The mW to dBm conversion can be done by the following formula:

P(dBm) = 10 ⋅ log10(P(mW) / 1mW)


P(dBm) =power in dBm 

P(mW) =  power in milliwatts.

Realistic Example:

Allow’s recollect there's a signal with a power of 30 dBm, then what's the dBm to watt conversion?


Now for the dBm to watt conversion, use the dBm to watts formula

P(W) = 1W ⋅ 10(P (dBm) / 10) / 1000

Enter the values of the dBm:

P(watts) = 10(30/10) / one thousand =1 watts To covert the dBm to milliwatt improved it with the aid of 1000: P(milliWatt) = one thousand mW