Technical Calculator

BMI Calculator

Select your gender and provide your body dimensions. The free BMI calculator will estimate body mass index and let you know in which category your weight falls.


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what is BMI?

Frame mass index is the degree of leanness this is primarily based upon the weight and peak ratio of an individual.

BMI is only a screening check. It does not supply an accurate degree of frame fat and is used to estimate if someone is gaining or losing weight.

ordinary BMI tiers & Charts:

For Adults:

The sector fitness agency (WHO) shows those frame weight measurements for those who are twenty years of age or older (men and women):

Category Healthy BMI range - kg/m2
Severe Thinness < 16
Moderate Thinness 16 - 17
Mild Thinness 17 - 18.5
Normal 18.5 - 25
Overweight 25 - 30
Obese Class I 30 - 35
Obese Class II 35 - 40
Obese Class III > 40

For children::

body mass index (BMI) measurements for youngsters and teenagers are categorised as follows:

Category Percentile Range
Severely Underweight <3%
Underweight 3% - 5%
Healthy Weight 5% - 80%
Slightly Overweight 80% - 90%
Overweight 90% - 95%
Obese >95%

Dangers of Being (excessive BMI) obese & bodily Inactive:

If your BMI is 25 kg/m2, it manner that your are obese and may develop:

  • Cardiovascular (ailment of coronary heart and blood circulation)
  • Gallbladder disorder
  • Excessive blood pressure (hypertension)
  • kind 2 diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis
  • varieties of most cancers like a colon and breast cancer
  • positive intellectual fitness disorders and melancholy

Risks of Being Underweight (Low BMI):

if you’re underweight, you may be malnourished and develop:

  • respiratory disorder
  • Digestive disorder
  • Digestive diseases
  • most cancers
  • Osteoporosis
  • Compromised immune function


What is a BMI Calculator.

BMI (Bodymass Index) Assistant is a gadget that helps to determine if a individual possesses a healthy weight using their stature and body mass. It categorizes individuals into underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese.

Why is BMI important.

BMI gives an overall insight into whether a individual’s weight is in a good health bracket and helps in evaluating the likelihood of health issues such as cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and hypertension.

Is BMI an accurate measure of health.

BMI operates as an efficient screening device, yet it fails to consider musculature, skeletal robustness, or fat allocation, potentially misrepresenting actual well-being, among sports professionals.

Can BMI be used for children.

Kids' BMI percentile looks at how a child's BMI compares with others their age and gender instead of just comparing them to set sizes.

How does age affect BMI.

While adult Body Mass Index (BMI) values are consistent, seniors may possess greater body fat proportions at identical BMI marks, emphasizing the importance of alternative health indicators for evaluation.

I used synonyms such as "adult" for "adult", "ranges" for "ranges", "older adults" for "older adults",What are the health risks of a high BMI. Individuals with a high BMI (overweight or obese range) are more susceptible to heart disorders, cerebrovascular incidents, type 2 diabetes, musculoskeletal problems, and some malignities.

What are the health risks of a low BMI.

An extremely low BMI (low body weight) may suggest a lack of good nutrition, a weaker body to fight germs, weakened bones, and a higher chance of getting sick.

Can two people with the same BMI have different body compositions.

Indeed, two people of identical body mass index may possess different degrees of muscle tissue and fat tissue. Athletes may have high BMI due to muscle mass, not excess fat.

How can I lower my BMI.

To decrease Body Mass Index (BMI), focus on a nutritious diet plan, managing meal portions, consistent physical activity, and resistance workouts. A combination of cardio and muscle-building activities helps improve body composition.

How can I increase my BMI if I am underweight.

To increase body weight, escalate calories, consume nutrient-rich nutrition, integrate protein and salubrious fats, and participate in physical strength conditioning to accumulate muscle mass.

Is BMI the best way to measure health.

A BMI assessment serves as an expedient and simple instrument; however, additional metrics such as waist-to-hip ratio, body fat percentage, and comprehensive fitness evaluations offer a more in-depth understanding of one’s well-being.

Does the BMI change with pregnancy.

Yes, the BMI increases naturally during pregnancy. Pre-gravity BMI is used to determine healthy weight gain recommendations during pregnancy.

When should I consult a doctor about my BMI.

If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is excessive or insufficient, varies widely, or you have additional health problems, seek personalized guidance and medical evaluations from a medical professional.

What’s a terrific BMI for all ages?

The primary thing is that there is no particular determine of right BMI, everyone has extraordinary tiers! absolutely, plug-inside the values into the above BMI calculator know yours.

The way to keep a wholesome BMI?

Preserving a healthy BMI needs following steps to be followed:

  • Exercise at the least 60 to ninety minutes
  • live hydrated and eat a balanced eating regimen
  • In case your range is not wherein it must be, then you can must lessen your caloric consumption and additionally increase your exercising