This free calculator will let you convert cat age into human age and vice versa.
The kitty-age converter is a handy gizmo for comparing cat years to human years or the other way around. Unlike humans, cats mature quickly, reaching adulthood in just two years. This calculator makes it easier for you to understand your cat's behavior at different times of its life by simplifying age conversion. .
Converting cat years to human years can be tricky. Treat the first year of a cat's lifetime like it's equal to 15 human years. The second year ages to 9 human years, and each later year roughly equals 4 human years. "This approach considers the asynchronous growth of felines as opposed to those of human beings. "Our calculator and chart make it easier to comprehend these age comparisons.
Understanding how old your cat seems in people years helps you take care of it better as it grows. The calculator additionally aids in modifying grooming procedures tailored to your pet's longevity, guaranteeing a wholesome and gratifying existence for your domesticated cat.
The Human Aged Difference Representation and Cat's Life Stage Equivalence are shown. This clarifies the comparative ages of cats and humans.
Cat’s years | Human years |
1 | 7 |
2 | 13 |
3 | 20 |
4 | 26 |
5 | 33 |
6 | 40 |
7 | 44 |
8 | 48 |
9 | 52 |
10 | 56 |
11 | 60 |
12 | 64 |
13 | 68 |
14 | 72 |
15 | 76 |
16 | 80 |
17 | 84 |
18 | 88 |
19 | 92 |
20 | 96 |
21 | 100 |
Different cat breeds have varying lifespans. Different-bred felines, such as, often reside a longer duration than sole-blood cats owing to their genetic variety. Here’s a general guide to the average lifespans of common cat breeds.:
Breed | Average Lifespan (Years) |
Abyssinian | 9-15 |
American Bobtail | 13-15 |
American Curl | 15+ |
American Shorthair | 15-20 |
American Wirehair | 7-12 |
Australian Mist | 14-19 |
Balinese | 18-22 |
Bengal | 12-16 |
Birman | 12-16 |
Blue Chartreux | 12-15 |
Bombay | 15-20 |
British Shorthair | 12+ |
Burmese | 16-18 |
Burmilla | 10-15 |
California Spangled | 9-16 |
Ceylon | ~15 |
Chantilly-Tiffany | 14-16 |
Colorpoint Shorthair | 12-16 |
Cornish Rex | 11-15 |
Cymric | 8-14 |
Devon Rex | 9-15 |
Domestic | 12-14 |
Egyptian Mau | 13-16 |
European Shorthair | 15-22 |
Exotic Shorthair | 12-14 |
German Rex | 9-14 |
Havana Brown | 12-15 |
Himalayan | 15+ |
Japanese Bobtail | 15-18 |
Javanese | 10-15 |
Korat | 15+ |
LaPerm | 10-15 |
Maine Coon | 12-15 |
Manx | 8-14 |
Munchkin | 12-14 |
Nebelung | 15-18 |
Norwegian Forest | 14-16 |
Ocicat | 10-15 |
Oriental | 10-15 |
Persian | 15+ |
Pixiebob | ~12 |
Ragdoll | 12-17 |
Russian Blue | 15-20 |
Scottish Fold | ~15 |
Selkirk Rex | 10-15 |
Siamese | 15-20 |
Siberian | 11-15 |
Singapura | 9-15 |
Snowshoe | 12-15 |
Sokoke | 9-15 |
Somali | 10-12 |
Sphynx | 13-15 |
Tonkinese | 10-16 |
Turkish Angora | 12-18 |
Turkish Van | 12-17 |
- Domestic Shorthair: 12-15 years.
- Persian: 10-17 years.
- Maine Coon: 12-15 years.
- Siamese: 15-20 years.
- Ragdoll: 15-18 years.
Pinpointing the age of a feline may pose difficulties, particularly for lost or rescued kittens. However, the following indicators can help.
A cat’s teeth can reveal its approximate age. Kittens possess spotless, pale gums, whereas senior felines might display discoloration or deposit accumulation on their teeth. Missing teeth are common in senior cats.
Little kitty eyes are usually very bright and clear, but as cats get older, their eyes might turn cloudy or not as shiny.
Little kittens possess silky, delicate fur; however, mature cats can acquire stiffer, rougher fur. Grooming habits can also change with age.
Using our calculator is simple and quick. Follow these steps.
- Select the desired conversion type.
- Enter your cat's age in the designated field.
- Click the "Calculate" button.
- Displays your cat's age in human years and vice versa.
- Provides insights into your cat’s life stage and care requirements.
1. Kitten (0-6 months).
2. Junior (7 months - 2 years).
3. Prime (3-6 years).
4. Mature (7-10 years).
5. Senior (11-15 years).
6. Super Senior (16+ years).
Cats typically reach sexual maturity around 4 months of age. However, early pregnancy is not recommended for maintaining a cat’s health.
A 20-year-old cat is roughly equivalent to a 96-year-old human.
Crossbred feline varieties often have an extended lifespan thanks to increased genetic variation, commonly associated with superior vitality vis-à-vis purebred felines.
In general, one cat year is equivalent to about seven human years. However, this varies depending on the cat's age and maturity level.