Technical Calculator

Hex Calculator

Hex Calculator
Hex Converter

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Hexadecimal System?

Inside the light of digital common sense design study:

“The hexadecimal gadget is such a logical method that considers the base of variety sixteen just like that of binary, decimal, and octal, which use the bottom of 2, 10, and eight, respectively.”

changing back and forth From Hex Numerals:

As that both calculation and conversion are two separate methods. in relation to conversion, the hex numbers do no longer modify in any respect however only trade their system format. Our free hexadecimal calculator also is going for such conversion to make your know-how greater clean and particular. but if you need to analyze manual techniques, you can keep studying!

Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion:

It's no longer a remarkable deal to convert any hex number to its corresponding decimal notation. What you want to do is to take into account the subsequent key factors in your thoughts:

  • Every hex number have to be transformed to decimal number
  • After that is done, you want to multiply each range with 16 one at a time and upload they all
  • at the stop, the number you will get would be in decimal system


Convert the following hexadecimal number to its decimal number format: $$ \left(B 3 F\right)_{16} = \left(?\right)_{10} $$


$$ \left(B 3 F\right)_{16} = \left(B * 16^{2}\right) + \left(3 * 16^{1}\right) + \left(F * 16^{0}\right) $$

$$ \left(B 3 F\right)_{16} = \left(11 * 16^{2}\right) + \left(3 * 16^{1}\right) + \left(15 * 16^{0}\right) $$

$$ \left(B 3 F\right)_{16} = \left(11 * 256\right) + \left(3 * 16\right) + \left(15 * 1\right) $$

$$ \left(B 3 F\right)_{16} = 2816 + 48 + 15 $$

$$ \left(B 3 F\right)_{16} = \left(2879\right)_{10} $$

If you wish to avoid these complex computations, you can use our online hex to decimal converter for the sake of accurate conversions.

Decimal To Hexadecimal Conversion:

This conversion may be a little tough to perform however don't worry. that is because our online hex calculator on-line will assist you lots in determining the hex form of any decimal numeral. For guide calculations, please maintain going thru the instance below:


Convert the given decimal variety to its equal hex variety device: $$ \left(435\right)_{10} = \left(?\right)_{16} $$


Here we have : \(\dfrac{435}{16}\) = Remainder 3 & Quotient 27. The remainder will be written as hexadecimal notation with its related hex alphabet if present. Now divide the quotient (27) by 16:

For 27, \(\dfrac{27}{16}\) = Remainder 11 (B) & Quotient 1. Finally, write the quotient (1) in hexadecimal format.

Therefore: $$ \left(435\right)_{10} = \left(1B3\right)_{16} $$

Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion:

For hex to binary conversion, we need to follow the table below:

Hexadecimal Binary
0 0000
1 0001
2 0010
3 0011
4 0100
5 0101
6 0110
7 0111
8 1000
9 1001
A 1010
B 1011
C 1100
D 1101
E 1110
F 1111

Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion:

For this conversion, you need to preserve in mind the subsequent couple of steps:

  • First, you need to start from right and divide the binary range into sets, each containing four digits
  • After you do this, observe the table as referred to above to put in writing the hex numeral towards the given binary wide variety

How Hex Calculator Works?

This hex value finder will now not most effective will let you perform various operations on hexadecimal numbers however additionally convert them to diverse other logical notations. We apprehend it seems a little bit intricate, but don't worry in any respect. k permit’s circulate on having a look at its operation!


  • From the top drop-down list, make a diffusion whether you want to apply any operation on the numbers or convert the hexadecimal wide variety into different notations
  • when you make an expansion, restore the numbers in their targeted positions
  • At closing, hit the calculate button and there you pass

Output: The satisfactory hex converter will do the following operations and conversions on the given numbers::

  • Decide the consequences of the operation implemented at the numbers (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and division)
  • also convert the hexadecimal range into its corresponding notations (Binary, Decimal, and Octal)


Why hexadecimal device is used?

Hexadecimal numbers are typically used by software developers and machine designers because they offer a human-friendly illustration of binary-coded information. because of this significance, these numbers are used in logical reasoning to run rapid computer systems.

what's a 64 digit hexadecimal number?

The maximum cost of a sixty four-bit (or 8-byte) hex range is 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. you could also confirm this with the aid of using our unfastened hex calculator on-line.