Technical Calculator

On Base Percentage Calculator

Get the accurate OBP of a baseball player instantly by utilizing this free On base percentage calculator.

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On Base Percentage?

On base percent(OBP) is the statistic that is normally utilized in baseball matches to peer how lots a batter is able to accomplishing the base accurately and correctly. It’s an essential degree that enables in assessing the overall performance of a participant.

On Base percentage system:


OBP formula = (H + W + HBP) / (AB + W + HBP + SF)


  • The letter “H” represents the whole hits.
  • “W” shows the walks of the batter.
  • “AB” suggests the number of at-bats.
  • “HBP” indicates the full hits via the pitch.
  • “SF” represents the sacrifice fly.


let’s count on a basketball player has tried a hundred and fifty free throws, made ninety successful shots, with 10 fouls drawn and 5 assists.

Given that:

Given that:

90 a hit pictures + 10 fouls drawn + 5 assists = 105

150 free throw attempts + 10 fouls drawn + 5 assists = 165

Put the values in the field goal percentage formula:

Field Goal Percentage = 105 / 165 = 0.636

Why Is On Base percent critical?

In a baseball in shape, traditional records along with batting and total domestic runs aren't enough to offer a very good assessment of a player's performance. on the other hand, On base percent collects information about hits, walks, hits with the aid of pitches, and sacrifices flies and so on to provide precious information about the performance of the player.

working of On Base percentage Calculator:

Get the assistance of our on line OBP calculator to calculate on base percent unexpectedly and effortlessly. allow's see how:


  • input the values of “hits”, “bases on Balls”, “hits through pitch”, “at bats”, and “sacrifice flies” into the distinct fields.
  • tap on the “convert” button.


  • correct On Base percent.
  • little by little whole Calculation.


Do Walks count In OBP?

sure, OBP consists of walks, hits, and hit-with the aid of-pitch but now not errors, the variety of instances while the batter reaches the selection of the fielder or maybe the 0.33 dropped strike.

what's the difference between On Base percentage And Batting common?

The predominant distinction among the on base percentage and batting average is that OBP consists of some extra measurements like hit through pitch and walks in conjunction with the hits.

Is On-Base percent similar to Slugging?

No, The slugging percent does no longer consist of walks and hit-by means of-pitches.