Technical Calculator

Aspect Ratio Calculator

Select common ratios or enter yourself to calculate the pixel dimensions for your images or videos through this calculator.

Note: Enter either W₂ or H₂ to find the other, or, left both inputs empty.

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What is Aspect Ratio?

The ratio of width to height of the screen is called the aspect ratio. Usually, it can be represented as two numbers that are separated by the colon, as a 16:9 aspect ratio. For the aspect ratio x:y, the screen is x units wide and the y units high. While aspect ratios are the measurement of width and height, they are reduced to the smallest ratio to fit perfectly on every screen. To achieve the perfect aspect ratio, you have to use an online aspect ratio calculator that reduces any margin of error. Here are some widely used aspect ratios as 3:2 in still cameras, 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratios in TV, 1.85:1 and 2.39:1 in film photography.

How to Calculate the Screen Size?

If you want to know whats my aspect ratio, then here are some formulas that can be used for aspect ratio calculation to determine the height, width, and area of the screen:

Ratio (r) = x / y

Height of screen (h) =

\( \dfrac{d} {\sqrt {r^2 + 1}} = \dfrac {y * d} {\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}} \)

Width (w) =

\( \dfrac{r * d} {\sqrt{r^2 + 1}} = \dfrac{x * d} {\sqrt{r^2 + 1}} \)

Area of Screen (A) =

\( \dfrac{r * d^2} {r^2 + 1} = \dfrac {x * y * d^2} {x^2 + y^2} \)

However, an online Ratio Calculator helps you to determine the identical ratios by giving three out of four parts of two ratios.

How does Aspect Ratio Calculator Works?

An online screen size calculator helps you to find out the aspect ratio and the size of that image by following these steps:


  • Firstly, you have to select any common ratio from the drop-down list. Also, you can substitute the custom width and height of the screen for determining the aspect ratio.
  • Now, put new width or height values.
  • Hit the “Calculate Aspect Ratio” button.


The screen aspect ratio calculator displays:

  • New Height / Width
  • New Dimensions
  • Pixels
  • Mode
  • Visual Aspect Ratio


What is an Aspect Ratio Calculator.

A Dimension Analyzer is an instrument designed to ascertain the proportional connection between the breadth and elevation of a photograph or a multimedia display.

How does an Aspect Ratio Calculator work.

Enter the width and height, and your device will show the smallest form of the ratio, which is the aspect ratio.

Why is aspect ratio important.

Aspect ratio affects how images and videos are displayed on different screens, ensuring proper scaling without distortion or stretching.

What are common aspect ratios.

Some common aspect ratios include 4:3 (standard TV), 16:9 (HD widescreen), and 21:9 (ultrawide cinema screens).

Can I convert one aspect ratio to another.

You can leverage the calculator to modify an image, keeping proportions intact by tweaking the length or breadth.

Does changing the aspect ratio affect image quality.

If you inflate a picture while preserving the initial size remains altered, it can look skewed or blocky. Resizing while preserving the ratio keeps the quality intact.

How do I calculate aspect ratio manually.

Split the width by the height and reduce the fraction to its basic form. For example, 1920 × 1080 simplifies to 16:9.

Can I use this calculator for social media images.

This feature lets you adjust images to fit nicely on social media platforms with different size needs.

What aspect ratio is best for printing.

The best aspect ratio depends on the print size. Standard print sizes include 4:5 for portraits and 3:2 for professional photography.

How does aspect ratio impact videos.

Videos with distorted proportions might have black borders or appear chopped on some displays. Choosing the right ratio ensures optimal display.

Can I use the Aspect Ratio Calculator for mobile screens.

It aids designers and programmers in making websites that look good on all devices by figuring out how much space each part should take up.

What is the aspect ratio of a smartphone screen.

Current phones come in two types of shapes for screen display. They either have a 19. 5 by nine or 18 by nine part matching the picture's size.

Does aspect ratio affect gaming.

9 give more space in games, improving fun.

How does aspect ratio relate to film production.

Many movies use various sizes for screens, like 2. 39 for big screens and 16 for TV.

Is there an ideal aspect ratio for presentations.

For PowerPoint presentations, 16:9 is the standard, as it fits widescreen displays better than the older 4:3 format.

What is the anamorphic?

A wide-screen picture on a 35 mm film with a non-widescreen aspect ratio is called anamorphic. The 2.4:1 aspect ratio is always displayed by the anamorphic that is very close to the 16:9 aspect ratio. It gives the shots wider for the more cinematic field, but the top and bottom are cropped.

What is the best aspect ratio for prints?

For printing the documents 2:3 is the most common aspect ratio. Poster, decal printing, and canvas with 24 x 36 and 40 x 60 inches are the best example of 2:3 aspect ratio.