Technical Calculator

Empirical Probability Calculator

Enter the values of the number of events that occurred and experiments conducted in the empirical probability calculator and the tool will calculate the empirical probability.

The empirical probability calculator calculates the experimental probability based on the historical data. The tool determines the likelihood of occurring an event based on the event that occurred and the experiments performed.

What is Empirical Probability?

“Empirical probability is calculated to determine the probability of the occurrence of an event or outcome”

It is closely related to the relative frequency of the given outcome of the occurrence of an event divided by the number of experiments conducted. Empirical probability, also known as experimental probability, refers to a probability that is based on historical data. 

How to Find Empirical Probability?

The empirical probability can be evaluated by the frequency of the number of events that occurred divided by the number of experiments conducted. The empirical probability formula is:

P(E) = f/n


f = Number of times the event occurred 

n = Number of times event experiments performed

Example of Empirical Probability:

Let the number of events that occurred be 7 and the total number of experiments conducted are 3. Then how to calculate the empirical probability of the events?


The empirical probability formula is:

P(E) = f/n

P(E) = 7/3

P(E) = 2.33

The empirical probability is P(E) = 2.33 and the experimental and theoretical probability calculator can be a simple solution to know the experimental and theoretical probability ratio.

Working of Empirical Probability Calculator:

Let's have a look at the simple procedure of using the empirical rule probability calculator!


  • Enter the number of times the event occurs and the number of times the experiment is performed.
  •  Hit the calculate button 


  • Empirical probability 


What Is the Difference Between Empirical Probability and Classical Probability?

The empirical probability is based on the number of experiments conducted. On the other hand, classical probability does not require any experiments. As all likelihood has an equal number of chances like various sides of the dice have a probability of ⅙. The empirical probability calculator makes it possible to know the chances of the occurrence of an event based on experimental value.

What Is Subjective Probability?

Subjective probability is the opinion of an expert and is based on the experience of an expert. The subjective probability is not based on any statistical data.


From the source of Empirical Probability, How to Calculate Empirical Probability? From the source of Formula, What is Empirical Probability?