Technical Calculator

Volume Calculator

Choose the desired geometrical shape to find its volume with this calculator.

Rectangular Cube Cylinder Cone Sphere Triangular Pyramid Capsule Hemisphere Hollow Conical Truncated Ellipsoid column square

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Volume Calculator

Use this quantity calculator to calculate the quantity for the 3-dimensional geometrical shapes. It provides calculations for a volume in specific devices and additionally suggests the system to discover the extent for a particular form.


“the quantity of space Enclosed by a three-D object”

volume is likewise known as the boundary of an item. The SI unit for quantity is cubic meters


Permit's think the side length of a cube is 8 cm, how do you find the extent?



Side Length = 8 cm

By placing values in the cube quantity formula:

Volume = (8)3 = 8 x 8 x 8 = 512 cm3

Programs of extent Calculator

The calculator is broadly used in various fields, including:

  • DIY And domestic development: It facilitates to calculate the amount of material (paint, concrete, and so on) required for renovations
  • production and Engineering paintings: The calculator enables in estimating the volume of concrete, and measuring the capacity of diverse tanks, or storage bins
  • science and research: It enables the scientist in finding the extent of cells or organs, and determine the density of compounds
Shape Formula Example Calculation
Cube V = s³ If s = 4, then V = 4³ = 64 cubic units
Rectangular Prism V = l × w × h If l=5, w=3, h=2, then V = 5×3×2 = 30 cubic units
Sphere V = (4/3) π r³ If r = 3, then V = (4/3) × π × 3³ ≈ 113.1 cubic units
Cylinder V = π r² h If r = 4, h = 10, then V = π × 4² × 10 ≈ 502.65 cubic units
Cone V = (1/3) π r² h If r = 3, h = 6, then V = (1/3) × π × 3² × 6 ≈ 56.55 cubic units
Pyramid V = (1/3) × Base Area × Height If Base Area = 20, h = 9, then V = (1/3) × 20 × 9 = 60 cubic units
Hemisphere V = (2/3) π r³ If r = 5, then V = (2/3) × π × 5³ ≈ 261.8 cubic units
Triangular Prism V = (1/2) × b × h × l If b = 6, h = 4, l = 10, then V = (1/2) × 6 × 4 × 10 = 120 cubic units
Ellipsoid V = (4/3) π a b c If a=3, b=4, c=5, then V = (4/3) × π × 3 × 4 × 5 ≈ 251.33 cubic units
Capsule V = π r² h + (4/3) π r³ If r = 2, h = 8, then V = π × 2² × 8 + (4/3) × π × 2³ ≈ 67.02 cubic units


What is a Volume Calculator.

A Volume Calc is a web tool to tell you how much space something in 3D takes up. It can compute the space in various forms, including cubes, cylinders, spheres, and cones.

How does a Volume Calculator work.

The calculator works out how much space things take up using math based on what you say it. To figure out shapes, you need to know three things for a round cylinder, a short, wide box, you need three measurements.

What forms can this calculator handle.

Primarily, Digital Tools calculates volumes of simple geometric figures such as cuboids, globes, cylinders, cones, rectangular solids, peaked structures, etc.

Why is volume calculation important.

Determining volume is crucial in various sectors, including infrastructure, mechanics, manufacturing, and physical sciences, where determining the container’s capacity is vital for planning and performance.

Can I use this calculator for real-life applications.

The Volume Calculator proves beneficial in evaluating the capacity of containers, computing the volumetric capacity of a tank, and in culinary practices, where ingredient proportionating hangs on volume.

How do I find the volume of a cube.

The magnitude of a cubic volume is determined by raising the measurement of one of its edges. If the edge length is 5 cm, the capacity is 53 = 125 cubic cm.

How does the calculator calculate the volume of a sphere.

For a sphere, the calculator needs the diameter, then computes the formula to determine its capacity. It helps estimate the space inside spherical objects such as balls or planets.

What if I need the volume of an irregular shape.

Some Volume Estimators enable individuals to determine the capacity of non-standard geometries by segmenting them into a series of conventional forms and amalgaming their respective spatial quantities.

Can this calculator handle measurement units.

Yes, numerous calculators accommodate various measurements such as cubic meters, cubic inches, gallons, and liters, which facilitates users in selecting the ideal unit for their purposes.

How do I find the volume of a cylinder.

To figure out a cylinder’s volume, you just need to tell how wide its round end is and how tall it is. The device then uses the traditional computing formula to assess the cumulative volume.

Can I use this calculator to compare volumes.

Certainly, enter various measurements and observe how much space each object takes up to determine which one uses more space.

Is the Volume Calculator useful for students.

Students learn mathematics, science, and mechanics frequently employ this device to address capacity-related challenges effectively.

Can I calculate the volume of a tank or a pool.

You can provide measurements of a tank or pool to calculate their liquid capacity, which helps in water containment and swimming facility dimensions.

What is the difference between volume and surface area.

Volume gauges the interior space of a three-dimensional entity; while the surface area determines the aggregate area of the external facets. The calculator focuses on volume calculations.

Is this calculator free to use.

Many Volume Calculators online are free, easy to use, and offer quick, accurate answers for different forms and uses.

what's the difference among surface region And extent?

  • Floor region: it's far a two-dimensional (second) degree. floor area refers to the total place of all of the external faces of the item
  • Extent: that is a three-dimensional (3-D) measure, which represents the amount of area enclosed within the limitations of an item

How tons Liquid Can A box preserve?

  • Determine the field’s shape
  • Measures the dimensions of the container
  • Use the ideal components to calculate the extent of the shape
  • if you don't understand the size of the container, then use the water displacement approach to find the extent