Technical Calculator

WHP to HP Calculator

The calculator will convert wheel horsepower to engine horsepower & vice versa.


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WHP vs HP:

HP is the actual power of the car’s engine. while alternatively, WHP refers back to the horsepower delivered to the wheel whilst the auto is moving. Our smart WHP to HP converter comfortably plays to and fro conversions music both of these powers and saves you lots of time.

  • The actual difference among each terms is set 20 - forty five%

WHP To BHP formulation:

Our calculator makes use of the subsequent equations to perform from side to side conversions among WHP and HP:

WHP To HP Conversion:

HP = WHP / (1 – DL )


DL = Drive train loss

HP To WHP Conversion:



DTLF = drive educate loss component


If the wheel horsepower of a vehicle is 240, then what is the actual engine horsepower delivered to the wheel?


HP = WHP / (1 – DL )

HP = 240/ (1 – 35)

HP = -240/34

HP = -7.05

The negative suggests the horsepower is carried out to the wheel in the contrary route.

Power educate Loss Chart:

Front Wheel Drive 10% (0.10)
Rear Wheel Drive 15% (0.15)
Overall Wheel Drive 25% (0.25)

Running of WHP To HP Calculator:

Our calculator features to offer you with correct conversions amongst wheel and engine horsepower. Its simple UI helps you to enter the subsequent inputs to get effects:


  • select the conversion type
  • input the required price in line with your choice (either EHP or HP)
  • Tap Calculate


  • WHP to HP conversion
  • HP to WHP conversion


What is WHP and HP in engine power calculations.

WP (Wheeled Power) and P (Powertrain Capability) are utilized to gauge a motor's strength. Power (WHP) is the power made available to a car's wheels after accounting for energy lost due to friction in the drivetrain. BRP, frequently known as HPT (Horse Propulsion), is the engine's pure strength before these deductions. Internal combustion engine cars have parts like drive gears, wheels, and the wheels' turning mechanism which use some of the engine's power, so the true power (WHP) available can be less than what the speedometer (HP) reading says. Comprehending the distinction is vital for performance optimization, as Whistle Power signifies pragmatic employable vigor, while HP pertains chiefly to commerce advertising and machine details.

How does the WHP to HP Calculator work.

The calculator assesses the general propulsion of the car (engine power) given in the wheel output horsepower, considering the power lost in the car’s drive system. It uses the formula. HP = WHP / Drivetrain Efficiency. where drivetrain efficiency varies based on the type of vehicle. A front-wheel-drive car features roughly 85% efficiency, rear-wheel drive has almost 86%, and all-wheel drive encompasses approximately 75%. Insert your Torque and choose the transmission type, to achieve a more precise horsepower for calibrating, adjustments, and comparisons of your conveyance.

In this revision, the keywords 'WHP' to 'horsepower', 'calculator' to 'vehicle software', and 'drivetrain type' to 'transmission type' are replaced with theirWhat are drivetrain losses, and how do they affect WHP. Drivetrain degradation results from friction in elements such as the transmission, differential, and axles. These losses reduce the power transferred from the engine to the wheels. In a FWD car, losses are 10-15%; RWD vehicles incur 12-16% loss; AWD systems can see up to 20-25% loss.

- WHP (Water Horse Power) = WHP (Water Heavy Power),- losses = deWhy is WHP more important than HP for real-world performance. The 'Wheel Horsepower' (WHP) shows the real power reaching the vehicle's wheels, offering a true representation of true performance in everyday life. BHP (or BHP) is gauged at the crankshaft and disregards losses in the drivetrain. While car companies use HP ratings in their ads, car fans and speed demons pay more attention to WHP because it measures how fast and powerful a car is overall. A vehicle with superior horsepower but diminished maximum weight handling performance incurred from drivetrain degradations might underperform compared to an automobile featuring an optimized power conveyance mechanism.

Why do AWD vehicles have higher drivetrain losses.

"All-Wheel Drive (AWD) cars give less power because they have extra parts (like transfer cases, differentials, and more axles). " These components induce friction and added rotational weight, diminishing system effectiveness to about 70-80%, signifying four-wheel-drive vehicles experience 20-30% power loss pre-propulsion. AWD augments grip and steadiness but decreases WHP relative to a match-equipped RWD or FWD vehicle. Thus, WHP evaluation is crucial for precise calibration.

Can modifications reduce drivetrain losses and improve WHP.

Yes, certain modifications can reduce drivetrain losses and increase WHP. Improving lighter elements such as carbon nanofiber wheels, speedy axles, and reduced-sliding differentials can enhance performance. High-grade lubricants and minimizing drivetrain inertia likewise aid. "Whp" and "Hp" are abbreviations and have remained unchanged.

They refer specifically to the manufacturer's advertised horsepower and waterWhy do dyno results show WHP instead of HP.

Torque meters determine force at the axles, signifying that they give WHP digits instead of HP figures. Tyres simulate real car conditions, which helps adjust and check a car's speed and performance better. " Dynos conjecture the engine's torque by considering a rough drivetrain inefficiency margin, yet genuine brake horsepower provides a better gauge of a car's delivered power to the road.

How does WHP affect 0-60 mph times and quarter-mile speeds.

WHP directly influences acceleration and top speed. The car with greater WHP can increase its speed quicker than a similar-sized car with the same HP but with more drivetrain energy waste. When we compare two vehicles, each with 400 horsepower (HP), they won't necessarily have the same horsepower (HP) when it comes to their wheels because the drivetrain can affect it. A four-wheel-drive (86% efficiency, 344 WHP) vehicle will outpace a front-engine four-wheel drive (75% efficiency, 300 WHP) as it undergoes reduced power degradation. The weight-handling package (WHP) is crucial in forecasting actual performance outcomes in drag racing, track events, and everyday driving situations.