Technical Calculator

Sum of Squares Calculator

Enter the dataset numbers, and click “Calculate” to find the sum of squares.

Sum of Squares Calculator:

Use this sum of squares calculator to discover the algebraic & statistical sum of squares for the given datasets. It also indicates a way to resolve the sum of squares step by step.

what's Sum of Squares?


  • The sum of squares (SS) measures the range of a dataset. It's calculated with the aid of locating the squared deviations of every statistics factor from the imply cost and summing them all up. A better SS indicates more spread inside the within the given dataset.


  • It refers to the addition of several phrases that have been squared and no longer always contain deviations from the suggest.

what is the Sum of Squares components?

For Statistical Calculation:

The sum of squares equation for statistical facts is as follows::

(Xi -X̄)2


  • Xi = Statistical information
  • X̄ = Statistical imply

You can use our sum of squares calculator to calculate the sum of squared deviations from the suggest.

For Algebraic Calculation:

The components for the calculation of sum of squares for algebraic calculation is as follows:

\(\ (n_1)^{2} +(n_2)^{2}+(n_3)^{2}.....(n_n)^{2}\)


  • n = overall numbers in expression

A way to Calculate Sum of Squares?

Follow those steps:

  • locate the suggest (average)
  • Now subtract the suggest cost from the given information points
  • Take the rectangular of the variations and upload them together


suppose you've got a dataset as 6,nine,3,17,19,23 discover the sum of squares??


(For Statistical):

Statistical data = (6,9,three,17,19,23)

General numbers = 6

Overall sum = 77

Statistical suggest = 77 / 6 = 12.833

by way of setting vlaues within the sum of squares system::

= (6-12.833) 2 + (9-12.833)2 + (3-12.833)2 + (17-12.833)2 + (19-12.833)2 + (23-12.833)2

= forty six.6944 + 14.6944 + 96.6944 + 17.3611 + 38.0277 + 103.3611 = 316.8333

(For Algebraic):

total sum of the rectangular = (6)2 + (nine)2 + (3)2 + (17)2 + (19)2 + (23)2

= 36 + eighty one + 9 + 361 + 529 = 1305

Other than guide calculations, use the whole sum of squares calculator to simplify calculations for any dataset (statistically & algebraically) little by little!