Technical Calculator

Coulomb's Law Calculator

Select the parameter (force, charge, or distance) and the calculator will calculate its value in various units by employing coulomb’s law.

x109 N⋅m²/C²

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The Coulomb law:

“The Coulomb regulation states that the pressure of appeal or repulsion is at once proportional to the manufactured from the charges and inversely proportional to rectangular of the distance between them”

The Coulomb's regulation components is as follows:

F = ke[q₁q₂/r²]


F=The Electrostatic pressure among the costs in Newtons

(N) q₁= it's miles the significance of the first rate in Coulombs

(C) q₂= it's far the magnitude of the second fee in Coulombs

(C) r= The shortest distance among the costs in Meters(m)

ke= It the Coulomb’s constant and its price is same to 8.98755 &instances; 10⁹ N·m²/C².

Running of the Coulomb's law Calculator:

The force of appeal or repulsion between costs can be measured by the Coulombs law calculator:


  • enter the expenses.
  • enter the gap among the costs
  • Hit the calculate button to locate pressure.

Output: The coulomb's law calculator do the following calculations:

  • It locate the pressure of attraction or repulsion between to charges
  • display the little by little calculations.
Property Description
Definition Coulomb's Law calculates the electrostatic force between two charged particles.
Formula F = k * (|q₁ * q₂| / r²)
Variables **F** = Electrostatic force (N)
**q₁, q₂** = Magnitudes of charges (C)
**r** = Distance between charges (m)
**k** = Coulomb's constant = 8.99 × 10⁹ N·m²/C²
Example Calculation Given q₁ = 3 × 10⁻⁶ C, q₂ = 2 × 10⁻⁶ C, r = 0.5 m:
F = (8.99 × 10⁹) × [(3 × 10⁻⁶ × 2 × 10⁻⁶) / (0.5)²]
F = 0.216 N
Nature of Force **Attractive** if charges are opposite, **Repulsive** if charges are similar.
SI Unit Newton (N)
Applications Used in physics, electrical engineering, and electrostatics problems.
Inverse Square Law The force decreases as the square of the distance increases (F ∝ 1/r²).
Comparison to Gravity Similar to Newton’s law of gravitation but acts between charges instead of masses.
Vector Form **F** = k * (q₁q₂ / r²) * **r̂**, where **r̂** is the unit vector pointing from q₁ to q₂.


Why do fees repel every other?

Like prices repel every different as their forces are directed towards each different. that is the main purpose the like charges produce repellent pressure to each different.the electrical force calculator unearths the force of repulsion among the like prices.

what is the SI unit of electrostatic pressure?

The electrostatic force is measured in Newton(N).the alternative gadgets of electrostatic force are (Kilo Newton) kN,(Milli Newton) mN, (Mega Newton) MN, (kilos-force) lbf, Giga Newton) GN, (Tera Newton) TN,(poundals) pdl

What is supposed with the aid of esu and emu?

The "esu" denotes the “electrostatic unit” and it's also represented as prefix “stat”and read as statcoulomb. The emu denotes electromagnetic unit and is also given the prefix “ab” referred to as abcoulomb.

what is a common example of the electrostatic force?

The common example of the electrostatic force is whilst you run a comb in our dry hairs and attract the portions of papers by it.

What is a Coulomb's Law Calculator.

Coulomb's Repulsion Device assists in calculating the attraction or repulsion between two charged entities. It operates on the law of Coulomb, indicating that the electric interaction between two charges arises from their sizes and the space between them.

What is Coulomb’s Law.

Coulomb’s Law describes the interaction between two charged particles. The principle dictates that their interaction magnitude correlates with the product of their charges and diminishes in accordance with the square of the intervening spacing.

How does charge affect electrostatic force.

"The larger the quantity of the electric charge, the more intense the electric attraction between them. "If one or both charges increase, the force increases accordingly. Opposite charges attract, while like charges repel.

What happens when the distance between charges increases.

The electrostatic force decreases as the distance between two charges increases. When you move two times farther away, the force you feel gets weak and cuts down by one-fourth.

What is the importance of Coulomb’s constant.

Coulomb’s constant (approximately: 8. 99. ×. 10. 9. 8. 99×10: 9. N·m²/C²) is a proportionality factor used in Coulomb’s Law. It gauges the force intensity of electrical attraction within a void or gas.

How does Coulomb’s Law relate to gravity.

Coulomb’s Law and Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation both follow inverse-square relationships. Nevertheless, gravity solely attracts, but electrostatic forces may either attract or repel based on the charge types present.

Can Coulomb’s Law be applied to real-world scenarios.

Yes, it is used in fields like physics, electrical engineering, and chemistry. This assists in comprehending atomic layouts, capacitor operations, electric field protection, and charge allocations in conductive materials.

Does the medium between charges affect the force.

Yes, the force between charges depends on the permittivity of the medium. In a vacuum, the force is paramount, whereas in mediums such as liquid or crystal, the force is diminished due to the medium’s elevated permittivity.

How does Coulomb’s Law relate to electric fields.

Coulomb’s Law aids in determining the force encountered by a charge within an electric field. It establishes the foundation for computing electric force intensity, which depicts how charges impact their environment.

Is Coulomb’s Law valid for all charge distributions.

Coulomb’s Law applies specifically to point charges or spherically symmetric charge distributions. For charge configurations not uniform, sophisticated techniques such as the Law of Coulomb incorporate Gauss for analysis.

What are some practical applications of Coulomb’s Law.

Coulomb’s Law helps in creating batteries, detecting static electricity, powering space machines, and cleaning air. It also plays a key role in atomic and molecular physics.

How does Coulomb’s Law explain static electricity.

When objects gain or lose electrons through friction, they develop static charges. Coulomb's Law is a tool to determine the pull or push between charged items, like how magnets work in static electricity.

What happens when multiple charges are involved.

When charges combine, the whole push or pull thing on one charge is what you get when adding up the pushes and pulls from the other charges around it. This is calculated using the principle of superposition.

Does Coulomb’s Law apply in all conditions.

Coulomb’s Law is most accurate in a vacuum or air. In conductive substances, charge reassignment and defensive impacts should be acknowledged, causing computational challenges.

Why is Coulomb’s Law important in modern technology.

Coulomb's Law is essential for grasping electric forces, which drive devices such as touchpads, detectors, and miniature electronics. It is essential for designing electrical circuits and communication systems.